Cocktail Syrups Explained—When & Why to Use Different Sweeteners
Hey, ‘vodka soda’ folk, here’s some news: When we talk about ‘sweet’ and ‘cocktails’ together in 2022, we don’t mean this👇🏼 (A little more forgiveness for our ‘gin and soda’ friends 😏 ) Bartenders know that sweetness is an essential component of a cocktail. In fact, the term ‘cocktail’ was first defined in 1806 as […]
To Stir or not to Stir? Wet Ice and the Dilution Gremlin
On top of memorizing ingredients and proportions, you also need to know which technique to use: to stir or to shake cocktails! (Wondering which shakers to use? We recommend these Professional Boston Cocktail Shaker Weighted Shaking Tins.) What’s the general rule for shaking vs stirring cocktails? Most purists would say… STIR Clear ingredients (spirits, vermouth, etc.) […]
Palate Development: How to Create Your Own ‘Rolodex’
Palate development is a frequent subject of inquiry we get from students. In fact, we dedicate three separate modules to learning about and tasting different spirits (one module for neutral grain alcohol, rum, and tequila, one for whiskey, and one for fortified wine). And that’s because… As Nimble Co-founder, Kyle put it… “It doesn’t get […]
Is The Juice Worth The Squeeze? Fresh Citrus Juice Alternatives
While muggles complain about skyrocketing gas prices, bartenders watch as fresh citrus juice steadily becomes liquid gold. If not for the cocktail renaissance (and its focus on fresh ingredients), you probably wouldn’t be reading this. But, as limes encroach on the $200/case mark, what if there was a better way? Instead of needing one lime […]
Case Study: How To Win A Cocktail Competition
Cocktail Competitions can catapult your development as a bartender, but they can be tricky to prepare for. Nimble Bar Co alumnus Brian Chapman breaks down his process for winning the Made With Love Cocktail Competition. And shares the resources that helped him the most. As a relative newcomer to the cocktail scene, I didn’t think […]
How To Craft Your Own Tonic Syrup (Recipe + How To)
Sure you could buy craft tonic water. But know what’s cooler, cheaper, and lasts longer? This unique and elegant tonic syrup recipe (that shines with more premium, finessed gins) 👇
How to Make Your Own Bitters: The Art of Tincturing & Blending
Learning how to make your own bitters is actually pretty easy. Here’s a simple method to make your own proprietary bitters (DIY) An excellent cocktail is like a well composed dish. The spirit is the protein, the sugars are the fats, the acids are well…the acids, and bitters my friend are the spice rack. Like […]
The Ultimate Guide to Bar Jiggers
In this in-depth guide on bar jiggers, we’re covering what a bar jigger is, cocktail jigger styles and sizes, how to use a jigger, where to buy jiggers, and more. So what is a bar jigger, anyway? A bar jigger is a tool to help you accurately and consistently measure alcoholic ingredients. They come in […]
The Nimble Bag of Bartender Tricks
How To Use Bartender Tricks to Be More Confident Behind the Bar Bartenders need to project confidence. Our ability to do so puts our guests at ease, gains their trust, and gives them permission to have a good time. Master these bartender tricks and you’ll be oozing confidence and blowing your guests away in no […]
3 Steps To Win When People Seem To Suck
3 Steps To Win When People Seem To Suck How to reframe any interaction so it works for you, not against you. When you work behind the wood, you’ll interact with more people in one night than many interact with in an entire month. Sounds great, right? You get to hone in on your […]